Marie Seary, PgDip (Level 7)

Integrative Transpersonal Counselling (UKCP & BACP)

BA (Hons) Social Work

Dip Spiritual Counselling (CMA)

Dip Hypnotherapy (GHC)

Dip Life Coaching (CMA)

NLP Practitioner

Reiki Master (Usui Method)

EFT Practitioner (Advanced Level)

Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner (EFTMRA)

VRQ Level 3 (Mind) Mental Health care

Counselling Skills (CPCAB)

Professional Development in Counselling 


Extensive CPD training and work experience in mental health and personality, mindfulness meditation (MBSR), clinical hypnosis, substance dependency, psychology of mental health, differences and diversity, working with people who have complex needs, learning disabilities, experienced domestic violence and other forms of abuse, children and adult safeguarding, children, families and welfare. 

Experienced in counselling members of the LGBTIQA+ community.

Fully Insured & Enhanced DBS (for both children and adults)    


07775 424 537


Learning to use your heart as a compass, will help you navigate through life. 
Inspire Self Healing

Welcome to this site. 

From a very early age, I felt compassionate about all living beings and our connection with nature and was often viewed as 'sensitive.' This sensitivity and compassion drew me towards consistently working in supportive roles, with a diverse range of people, often with complex needs and challenges for over 20 years. My strong interest in mental health led me to specialise in this area and gain relevant qualifications.

Personal life challenges and experiences have enriched my ability to work with people holistically. I always believed there was a deeper purpose to our lives, but went through many periods of feeling disconnected.  It is through this disconnection that one can feel confused about life and experience imbalance. 

Meditation for me was the starting point to connecting within. Challenges that I had been experiencing all of my life started to become more manageable. Life around me started to change as I had started to change within. As with all changes, we can feel insecure but it is through transformations that new life and opportunities open up. I still believe we are all 'a work in progress'. 

From this place of clarity, I decided to train in various complementary therapies and psychotherapeutic counselling. I am a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP) and abide by their ethical framework.

The name 'Inspire Self Healing' was strongly influenced by my personal journey. I see my role as walking alongside you, to support you in your journey. 

Continuous professional development enables me to keep up to date with modalities that are proving effective for people and to deepen my experience. I am particularly excited by the developments in mind-body techniques and new ways of supporting clients to recover from trauma.

Also ongoing personal development, therapy and supervision -  improves my practice.


    Inspire Self Healing offers:

  • 1-1 
  • Group work
  • Office wellbeing days
  • Wellbeing days for various charities
  • School settings (specifically around performance anxiety & stress management)
  • Creating and teaching workshops / courses around stress management and personal development
  • Talks - Would you like to book a FREE talk and demonstration for your organisation or project? Some of the areas are:

    • General information on service and therapies
    • Personal transformations from trauma, mental health and physical health issues to well-being.
    • Case studies (in keeping with confidentiality contract)
    • Women's Holistic Health

I look forward to meeting with you. 
